Chapter news

SIM 2021 Paper Competition


SIM 2021 Paper Competition

Each year, the Society for Information Management recognizes innovative business initiatives that use IT to drive measurable results.
As outlined in the 2020 SIM IT Trends Study, IT leaders face tremendous challenges in the successful provision of tools and capabilities for business success. If you have researched an important and successful IT-related business initiative, the SIM 2021 Paper Competition Committee invites you to submit an abstract describing this initiative. The work described must be implemented and it must have had a significant impact on the organization involved. Winning papers will be a collaboration between academics and practitioners. Since SIM’s focus is toward executive leadership, the work should describe an initiative of interest to senior IT executives. The SIM Best Paper should be jointly authored by an academic researcher and an IT leader. The SIM Best Paper Competition is sponsored by the SIM Academic Council and SIM International.


This is an excellent way to gain widespread recognition and visibility for exemplary IT leadership and to highlight the impacts of IT in firms applying IT strategically. Recognition will be given to the SIM Best Paper at a web event in February 2022, and the winning paper will also be submitted for publication in MISQ Executive.



Deadline: Friday, August 13, 2021

The Abstracts should identify the purpose and scope of the proposed paper and explain how the paper fits the criteria for evaluation (innovation, impact, implementation, and re-applicability).
Suggested length for the Abstracts is 500 to 800 words. The Abstracts will be reviewed by the SIM Paper Competition Committee, and a subset of the submissions will be selected as finalists. Each author will be electronically notified of the outcome of their abstract submission by September 3, 2021. All finalists will be asked to submit a full version of the paper. All Abstracts should be
submitted electronically to SIM Director of Academic Affairs, Mary Sumner ( .



Deadline:  Friday, January 7, 2022.

All finalists selected from the initial review will be invited to submit a full version of the paper by the
above deadline. Your paper could describe the system, approach, or method used. The work
described should be presented in a case study format and clearly describe the problem or
opportunity, the environment where the situation existed, what was done, why it was significant, the
measurable results and what others can learn from the presented material. The full paper should follow MISQE manuscript submission guidelines ( Suggested length is 3500 to
5000 words.



  • Innovation: Are any new strategies and/or approaches described? Do they add to leading practices?
  • Impact: Does the paper address the real problem? Is the problem solved or diminished? Is it a managerial (not technical) issue? Is a significant part of the organization impacted? What performance measures reflect success? Do principles exist that could enhance that body of information management knowledge? 
  • Implementation: Is the innovation operational? What is the breadth of the implementation? Does the organization plan to extend the innovation? 
  • Re-applicability: Is the approach applicable to others? Can knowledge be transferred to others?        
  • Appeal and Readability: Is there broad interest in the problem across industries and cultures? Will the paper appeal to SIM membership? Is the paper brief, clear, and to the point? Is the paper written with empathy for the reader?

The SIM 2021 Paper Competition winner will be announced by February 18, 2022.


If you have any questions regarding the SIM Paper Competition, please contact SIM Academic Liaison, Mary Sumner or

Click here to submit an Abstract.